KkmServer: Печать чеков на ККТ по 54-ФЗ
Display focus indicator for the active intractable element in a webpage.
Grants regular, boring HTML5 videos the controls and capabilities of YouTube videos.
Make it easy to select a part of link texts
This extension allows you to automate page scrolling
Generate QRCode of any URL from your browser and scan it with smartphone.
Chrome extension for easy switching between tabs
Save bookmarks with screenshots, share and sync easily your bookmarks
Makes pages better for reading. Forces all text lines to break after 65 characters. Simple as that.
A Fast and Light weight new tab
Complete Tab, a Chrome-based cloud applications platform, for more elegant and easy Chrome usage.
Best tool for moving your tabs around!
A quick calculation of paraxial characteristics
Makes Upwork usable again. No bullshit notifications. Better UI. Better UX. Better life.